A Conversation with DON’T QUIT CEO Mark French and Peloton Star Kendall Toole 
Thursday, May 9, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:25 AM

There is a power to perseverance and resilience in sports and life in general, and masterfully integrating this essence into a brand’s marketing strategy is a gateway to inspirational campaigns. DON’T QUIT has differentiated their positioning from the competition in the Sports Nutrition space by amplifying the brand’s commitment to supporting individuals who have overcome adversity on their journey towards greatness. Join Mark French, CEO of DON’T QUIT Sports Nutrition and Kendall Toole, top Peloton Instructor and Mental Health advocate, as they discuss working with their key retail partners to nominate local “hometown heroes” and share their inspiring stories of perseverance.  These “Persevering Profiles” are serving as a beacon of hope and motivation in the community and a model for other brands looking to position themselves in the competitive sports nutrition space.

Mark French Kendall Toole